sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2016

Easy mask for healthy nails

The desired manicure is now not a mirage.
Long and strong nails are one of those things that we really want, but cannot always achieve. They just do not grow, quickly break and split. The artificial nails are always a solution when the mission is more than impossible. The maintenance, however, requires finances, a different thing is to simply have healthy and beautiful nails. Such as certain lucky ones.

This is where perhaps the problem is and what we can do in the name of the beautiful manicure:
We do not drink enough water and do not get enough vegetable proteins.
The liters of water must be nearly 2 per day! The water transports the nutrients in the body and frees us from the accumulated toxins.
Beans are rich in vegetable proteins, which are decisive for the strength of the nails and also for the hair shine. So do not exclude them from your diet.
Your daily menu must contain foods from all the categories of nutrients. Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid fatty and fried foods. Except the plenty of water you can also drink tea and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
Here is our trick that can help for the strength and growth of the nails.
Mask with red pepper

Mix half a teaspoon of red pepper (paprika), 10 drops of hot water and a teaspoon of hand cream. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath. After being cooled, rub the resulting mixture in the nails and allow it to act for about 20 minutes. After that rinse gently with water.
Immediately after the first application of this mask, you will feel your nails harder and stronger. Do this procedure once every week and your nails will be grateful.

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